$579.00 USD

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

We believe in keeping things simple, so we’ve removed as much “legalese” as possible to ensure that we’re all on the same page with your engagement. It’s still a binding agreement (we’ll call it the “Agreement” going forward), so make sure you read everything and review with an attorney if needed. You’re stuck with it either way.

You are a party to this Agreement (who we will refer to as “You” or “Your” or “Client”) and we will use the name, email, and phone number you provide during checkout as your formal contact information.

When we refer to ourselves (“We” or “Us” or “Our” or “Company”) we mean SDH Solutions LLC doing business as The Career Expert® with an email address of [email protected]. and a phone number of 855-204-9180.


Let’s make sure we’re all speaking the same lingo. The following are some terms We may use and their meaning.

 “Service” or “Services” is what We do as part of our work for You based on the payment terms You selected.

 “Package” refers to any Services that You buy from us as described on our website or in a custom quotation provided by Us to You.


Any Services We offer are provided at the then-current pricing and payment structure. Quotes are only valid for the period of time We state in the quote, or the offers available on the website at the time that the Services are purchased. If We do not specify a duration in a quote, then the duration shall be three (3) business days.


You authorize Us to charge You per the terms of the Package offered based on the payment terms established – either as part of Our standard service offering online or via a custom quote provided exclusively to You.

 We are selling Our time and expertise, as well as the opportunity cost of Our ability to support other customers. Therefore, any fees paid to Us are not refundable for any reason unless stated otherwise by Us in writing in direct relation to Our Services to You.

 This also means that You may not stop payment or dispute any charges for the Package purchased. In the event of a subscription or multi-payment Package, payments are spread out over time for the convenience of Client and not in alignment with the level of effort or time invested by Us. The total of payments is assumed by Us to be earned when We agree to provide You with Services.


Our team is limited on the number of clients we can support at any given time. This ensures that You deserve as a customer. We also like to keep the process moving to ensure that we collectively maintain momentum and continuity of the story we build together.

 Therefore, it is Your responsibility to reply to all revisions or inquiries within three (3) business days of receiving an update or communication from Us.

 If You fail to do so, We will provide a one-time courtesy notification that a substantive response that fully addresses Our inquiry is required. If We do not receive such response within two (2) additional business days, the project will be deemed abandoned by You and the full amount of all fees for Services will be deemed by all parties as fully earned by Us. The Company is under no obligation to issue refunds – including pro rata or partial refunds – for any Package or Services ordered or requested that is abandoned by You.

 In the event of Client abandonment of a project, all future payments on a payment plan or fixed subscription Service are due unless such subscription is on a month-to-month basis, in which case the Services can be canceled at Your written request no later than five (5) business days before the start of the next billing cycle.


We understand that You are working on a schedule, too. We commit to an email response to Your inquiries within three (3) business days. If You have not heard from Us within that time, please notify Us at the email address provided at the beginning of this document outlining your specific concerns.


We rely on the accuracy of information provided by You when completing the Services. If You identify inaccurate information, We will correct it at no charge subject to the below paragraphs.

 Two (2) revisions following the first draft We prepare is generally sufficient for improving and finalizing documents related to the Services. We reserve the right to refuse additional revisions if We (in our sole discretion) feel they are not warranted.

We are not responsible for accuracy of information related to our Services after You have approved our work or if You fail to approve Our work within the prescribed response time.

 Any revisions to documents or online profiles associated with the Services that We provide to You will be charged at Our then-current rate.


We are proud of the work We do, and may choose to use Your resume, cover letter, or portion of Your profile as an example of Our work or for instructional or informational purposes. Before doing so, We will substitute a fictitious name and contact information so that none of the following personally identifiable information is visible:

  1. Your Name
  2. Your Phone Number
  3. Your Email Address
  4. Your Street Address
  5. Links to Your social profiles, including LinkedIn™

 By entering into this Agreement, You are granting Us permission to use the information used to provide the Services and any output of the Services in the manner outlined above.


We will provide Services in a workmanlike manner consistent with prevailing industry best practices. There are many factors beyond Our control that affect Your job search outside of the Services that We provide. While it is Our goal to provide tools and information that will support a successful job search, We make no guarantee of any specific outcome.


This is the exclusive agreement between the parties. This Agreement supersedes any other commitments, promises, or information – written or verbal – made by Us.

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Executive Presence Toolkit

Everything you need to shine during each step of the journey - with an Expert behind you

This package is designed specifically for executives and senior leaders to ensure that they have all of the tools at their disposal to find a fulfilling role that is aligned with their career objectives.

What you'll get:

A Compelling Executive Résumé:

  • Virtual consultation with our team (up to three 60-minute sessions)
  • Customized questions and dialogue about your background and goals that will allow us to target your ideal future opportunity
  • Online mini-course that will help you prepare for our engagement
  • US-Based Peer-reviewed industry certified professional writer
  • An executive summary that showcases your top leadership attributes
  • Curated accomplishments for each position to ensure maximum impact while reducing "noise"
  • Optimization for screening software and ATS ranking
  • Strategic storytelling that brings the skills you want to employ to the forefront
  • A document up to 3 pages in length that represents your professional brand

An Executive Cover Letter Template

  • Designed to match the theme and style of your résumé
  • Pre-populated with verbiage and bullets that can be modified for each individual opportunity
  • Advice and recommendations from your Expert on how to tailor it for each opportunity

An Optimized Executive LinkedIn Profile:

  • Optimized profile headline and searchable compound job titles that help recruiters understand your capabilities
  • A cover photo for your profile at the exact LinkedIn recommended dimensions.
  • A brief, professionally written job description in addition to optimized job titles
  • Industry and location optimization to align with your job search goals
  • 50 skills recruiters use to find candidates
  • Completed Profile Sections for:
    • Education
    • Courses
    • Honors/Awards
    • Patents and Publications
    • Projects
  • Your LinkedIn Recruiter and Job Preference requirements
  • An optional screen share walk-through of your new profile with recommendations on how to keep it updated and optimized for applications and networking (a bonus $100 value)

Our expert will create a clean, professional, and organized profile that impresses recruiters, hiring managers, and colleagues. It is the perfect complement to a well-crafted resume.

Note: This package does not include comprehensive copywriting (ghost writing) of the About section.

Sessions on Executive Presence, Self-Representation, and Offer Negotiation:

  • Four sessions with your Career Expert
    ( up to 75 minutes, video call, scheduled in advance)
  • Create a library of accomplishments - and how to describe them - that will support the needs of your next employer
  • Role play and practice for questions common to your profession
  • Questions to ask (and how to ask them) to make sure the employer you are considering is a good fit for your goals and objectives
  • How to promote your achievements without coming across as bragging or arrogant
  • Things to consider when negotiating an offer 

While we are happy to support you wherever you need help the most, we recommend the use of two or three sessions to prepare for interviews and reserve one session for mid-process or the offer stage.